Who is eligible?
Submissions will be reviewed by our editorial staff for content, relevance, and objectivity. The submitted editorial material should be exclusive to The Trades Publishing Company and will be considered that company’s property unless other arrangements are made contact [email protected] for further information.
Author Guidelines
- The Trades Publishing Company, Inc. retains the right to accept or reject any editorial submission.
- The Trades Publishing Company, Inc. retains the right to edit any gratis editorial submission for grammatical and typographical errors.
- Gratis Editorial submissions should be editorial, not advertorial. Articles should be objective and encourage techniques and trends rather than publicizing commercially available products and services. (It is understood that the author and/or the author’s company may be presented as Experts on the topic being discussed.)
- Length of manuscripts may range from 500-1250 words. Articles should be provided electronically, via e-mail ([email protected]) in MS Word.
- Submitted articles that require photography (i.e. – articles on design, renovation, or refurbishment) should have the photographs or digital images attached at the time of submission. All digital images must be 300 dpi at actual size, and photographs should be 5” x 7” or larger, studio-quality photos. There is a possibility a photo you submit with an article may appear on the front cover of the issue.
- Individuals interested in submitting an article are encouraged to query the topic by emailing a brief description to [email protected]. Outlines are welcome, but preliminary manuscript drafts other than final are discouraged. All submitted editorial materials are considered the exclusive property of The Trades Publishing Company and should not be run in any other publication without written permission, whether in print or electronically.
- Manuscripts must be received by the fifteenth of the month, two months preceding desired publication date to be considered for publication. Due to space limitations, publication of an article in a specifically requested month cannot be guaranteed, although the best effort will be applied.
- The Resort Trades generally publishes only original manuscripts that have not been published in other media. However, previously printed articles may be considered (write [email protected] for further enquiry).
- If The Resort Trades editorial staff determines that a manuscript does not meet publication standards, the staff reserves the right to decline the manuscript and return it to author with suggestions for resubmission.
- Authors should include their name, company name, business title, address, and telephone number with each submission. Please include a maximum three-sentence bio about the author and/or their company.