Your company’s preprinted materials can be included as inserts with the Resort Trades to allow you to reach resort professionals and management companies for far less than the cost of mailing them yourself. Your materials will be placed in the centerfold of the magazine, giving them greater impact. Plus, being associated with a highly respected, nationwide publication adds to your credibility.
Only $1,925 for national coverage
(5,500 copies/price per-month)
Approximately $.39 each.
Regional mailings are available for as little as $.45 each. (minimum reach 200 editions)
Reasons why Inserts beat direct mail:
- Save up to 75% by having your brochure inside of publications.
- Direct mail postage alone can cost over twice as much as your printed brochure costs!
- Eliminates all your costs of buying direct mail names/lists.
- Avoids labor costs (in house or outside sources), in both prep & mailing of your direct mail run.
- Inserts are not lost in junk mail at the post office and always reaches the right buying person.
You supply us:
Copies of your preprinted materials or contact us for a quote design and printing.
Insert Specification:
- Length: Minimum 6.25” Maximum 9.5”
The length of the piece is determined by measuring parallel to the final fold edge. - Width: Minimum 4.375” Maximum7.5”
The width of the piece is measured perpendicular to the final fold edge. - Thickness: Minimum .007” Maximum .125”
- Weight: No greater than 1 oz.
Inserts with a verified postal weight of greater than 1 oz will incur an additional charge. Call for Quote.
NOTE: A sample mockup or actual copy of the outsert must be sent to ensure proper sizes.